There are certain mods like Smart Moving and a few others that need the PLAYERAPI mod. To use such commands, you need to have a certain amount of experience in using Java, since the whole game is made on it. It can help with other mods by providing users with access to use certain commands in-game.

It just provides support for multiple other mods in the game, but it is essential to have a PLAYERAPI mod for every player. PLAYERAPI is sort of a loader like Forge or Fabric, but unlike them, it cannot do anything by itself. Tap on this link for snad minecraft All You Need to Know About PLAYERAPI 1.8.9 So to prevent this conflict and provide players with access to customizing the game, we have a mod called PlayerAPI 1.8.9. Sometimes, if there are too many mods in the game, there can be a conflict. Without mods, Minecraft probably wouldn’t be fun to play with. All the mods that are available for Minecraft are used for customization that provides a better gameplay experience. Customization is the main aspect of Minecraft.